I recently read that self-reflection is the key to a happy life. While I have been in a reflective space for quite some time, I wondered if this resonated with those around me.
Source of Change
They say “Change is Inevitable”, but lets really think about that phrase. Is change really some magical thing that happens naturally over time?
Mirror You, Mirror Me
It was said that when you meet your twin flame you will notice parts of you that mirror their inner and outer selves on a deeper level.
Divine Feminine Energy
What is Divine Feminine Energy? It is this magnetic energy that allows one to manifest their deepest desires through creativity and love.
What Do You Bring To The Table?
What do you bring to the table? I can guarantee we have either asked or have had to answer this question at some point.
Ratchet Unexpected Turn (R.U.T)
This isn’t my first time being stuck in a rut and it certainly won’t be my last.
Full of D.R.A.M.A
Who wants the D.R.A.M.A.? An acronym meaning Digital Remnants of Actions, Moments & Art.
More Than A Bitch
Then it hit me! There will be people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
Productive at Home
Little did I know my wish was 2020’s command. The thought of working from home always brought a big smile to my face.
Self-Care for MEN
Many of us can agree that this year will go in the books as being one of the most stressful and challenging in life.