What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

Have you ever been introduced to the perfect book at the perfect time in your life? Well I have! I was introduced to the book “What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? - Why now is the time to release who you are not and remember who you are” by Jim Self. A few months ago a life coach that I have been following on social media for over a decade recommended it.

This book matched the exact space in my current life. The past several months I have had tunnel vision on shifting my energy and perception. I wanted to challenge myself to change my perception of the world around me, my relationships, and how I viewed myself. I really just felt the need to upgrade every aspect of my existence from a spiritual space. A space that I had full control over.

What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away digs deep into reprogramming our subconscious mind. It talks about the different dimensions we can live in throughout our life. The tools it provided for transitioning to a higher dimension are out of this world. For me it was a deep discussion on self-regulation, self -awareness, and self-development. All of which are my favorite things to think and talk about.

The book is divided into two sections. The first eight chapters explain how we are affected by things around us and help us understand current living. It introduces you to Alchemy. The second half provides visual tools to assist you in rebuilding and shifting yourself to operate from your highest mind. The visual tools provided were like nothing I have ever experienced. The interesting part is at the end of most chapters there is a QR code. I was able to scan the code with my mobile device and it connected me to the website for a guided meditation practice. The guided meditations further helped with understanding what I just read.

There are multiple chapters I enjoyed in this book, but what stood out was how it describes the Third Dimension. The book talks about how the Third Dimension is were many of us are currently living. It was extremely eye opening learning how much noise and distraction we face unknowingly. It immediately gave me motivation to be conscious of such living and to aggressively move to a higher dimension of living. I found myself taking breaks from reading so I could process everything and use the tools before moving on to the next lesson.

This is by far my favorite book of all time and I highly recommend it if you are into this level of content.

Here are my biggest takeaways from “What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?” :

  1. Ask yourself “What’s really important to me?” “What truly makes me happy?”.

  2. Higher dimensional awareness is key.

  3. The things and people that were once very important to me have become less important.

  4. Trusting our inner guidance system takes work.

  5. To live in the fifth dimension I have to learn to be the master of my every thought, every emotion, every word, and action.


“In present time we can make new choices. In present time, negative emotional reactions from past experiences will no longer influence our choices. Choice in the now moment is neither based on past beliefs nor on future fears”



Transform Your Life in 2020
